Thursday, July 9, 2015

Throw Back Thursday

It's throw back thursday, people! And I don't mean looking back way into the past...I mean throwback as to where you were at this time just within the past year! What were you doing? Where did you see your life going & did you have any goals-did you accomplish them?

Every day people make decisions..decisions which sometimes lead to a healthier life style..and why wouldn't they make those decisions!? Sticking to something can take a lot of work and it's okay to fall off the grid every now and one is perfect. It's not about the's about you lifting yourself back up and getting back to your goals.

So, what were your goals last year? What are your goals for the next year?

ME? My goals last year were to get more toned, let myself have the things I want in a better friend/girlfriend/daughter/mother figure...I have fallen but I have also picked myself up and I am happy about it.

This year my goals are to get to 125 lbs...get toned, learn new things about the kids and watch them grow and still be a good person to the people around me. I also would like to succeed further with my job/fitness.

Tell me about your goals! :) Comment below if interested! I can't wait to hear from you.