Friday, June 26, 2015

You are what you eat

I saw something today that made me realize what you eat really is important.
It was a quote from 21 day fix and it said..don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork"...

Eat. but eat healthy. You want to look your best? Choose wisely in the kitchen. Have a variety of colors! Fruits...veggies...lean meats...protein...yogurt...People think that eating healthy won't taste good. Those people are WRONG! :) Eating healthy does taste good you just have to be a little bit creative. But, hey...if you want a nice body, you have to work for it right? Go into the kitchen and prepare something. It's easy just to eat frozen food or go out and get fast food. How do you feel when you're done eating after that? Not well...and if you say awesome, I know that you're lying!

Whenever I eat unhealthy, I always feel tired/lazy/chunky. When I eat good, I feel good. My whole attitude changes-not just about myself but with everything else in my life. I find my self being a better coworker, girlfriend, family member etc. are what you eat; so don't be fast, cheap, easy or fake!


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