Sunday, December 21, 2014

Beach Body Coach! Team Tribe!

I am finally moving forward with my life in the fitness world! I am now a Beach Body coach and am so glad I finally took the leap to make a difference!

If you like my blog and are interested in trying out any Beach Body products, just comment below and we'll get you set up with everything you need!

Also, feel free to check out my Instagram! @chasfitness


Sundays..I have a love/hate relationship with them. No need to explain why haha. Today I had Yoga Fix and although it's not my favorite, you really do get a good stretch in! Active Recovery day!

So, I was reading Fitness Magazine today and stumbled upon something pretty shocking! The information I'm about to share with you is not my own, it's information I got from Fitness Magazine and their source says Center for Science in the Public Interest.

"2,780 calories in the Cheesecake Factory's Bruleed French Toast, one of the nine unhealthiest menu items in America! To make your own French toast (stuffed with strawberries and cream cheese!) for only 300 calories, go to fitnessmagazine/frenchtoast."

Now personally, I don't eat out a lot but I know a lot of people that just love the cheese cake factory! I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with the restaurant, but just take a closer look into what you're eating! You may be eating one mean that contains more than a lot of people's calorie intake per day! (or what it should be)

Let's eat healthy and be healthy together!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Making Excuses As To Why You Can't Workout

Everyone could get the body that they want.
All you need is hard work, dedication and excitement about what you're doing! (Which is easy because you'll just feel so good!)

I hear so many people say that they don't like the way they look and that they're going to start working out and eating healthier. A lot of times, however, this only lasts a few days to a week or so. I have been there! I know what it's like!

You may find yourself saying things like:
-I'm too tired
-I worked too long today
-I work too early/too late
-I have kids
-I'm sore
-I have plans

Whatever you can come up with...excuses. You're tired? Go to bed earlier! Get some zzzs! They're good for you! You work a lot? So do a lot of people...make the time! It'll improve your mood which will help improve your work ethic! Kids? Get them involved! Kids love being involved! And if they don't like it, don't make them! Its okay to have time to work on yourself while they entertain themselves for a little bit! Sore? Good! Stretch & strengthen! Plans? Work around them. You got this.

So tell me one thing...
A few days/weeks compared to your whole life isn't very much is it!? No! If you want something you've never had then you have to do something you've never done! This is a life change! And an amazing one may I add! :)

YOU WANT THIS. Why not give yourself this!? Fall in love with the process and the results will come. Don't put yourself down. YOU are enough! You can do anything you put your mind to!

If you don't take care of your body, where will you live?

Getting started is always hard...but that's the point. Pushing yourself. Finding out what your body is capable of..because it is capable of so much more than you know! It's your mind you have to convince.

Why not start?
Why not feel amazing?

Remember, a one hour workout is only 4% of your day. You don't find make time.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

what you do everyday matters more than what you do every once in a while

Hello, sunday! How is everyone doing? Great, I hope!

Today I'm going to talk a little bit about what some of my favorite workouts are within the different days through out 21 day fix.
If you're curious as to what the workouts are, you can google them in images and it'll show you how to do each one! :)

Total Body Cardio Fix: 
Squat To Woodchop 

Upper FIx:
Lat Pull Over

Lower Fix:
Calf Raises with 10 second hold at the end

Plank Series as a whole

Cardio Fix:

Dirty 30:
Chest Fly Raise

Leave comments, I would love to hear what moves you like from your workouts!

One thing I love about 21 day fix is that it incorporates weights. I am feeling stronger everyday and I can feel my confidence going up!

Remember, what you eat is a huge part of working out and being healthy! What you eat will inspire your friends and family to eat better too! I just happen to be boyfriend loves to cook and loves to eat everything so it's awesome! He cooks us very healthy different meals all of the time!

What is one of your favorite meals?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Coming Back After The Holidays😊

After the holidays it's always hard to get back into your healthy eating habits and getting those workouts in...but you have to push through! You can accomplish anything you set your mind to!

How are you feeling so far?

I'm actually feeling amazing! Fully energized and ready to tackle the month ahead of me! :)

This morning I had Upper Fix and it was great! I can feel myself getting stronger :)

So I was reading women's health mag online & of course I stumbled upon something I'd like to share.

The following is from

9 ways to become more active outdoors :)

-Act Like A Kid (play!)
-Hit The Mat (outdoor yoga!)
-Use Outdoor Things As A Gym (tree/pole with a resistance band for ex!)
-Be A Track Star (go running at your local track)
-Find Some Sand (yoga/jog on the beach for a extra push!)
-Get The Right Gear (shoes matter!)
-Pick Up Sticks (literally!)
-Clear Your Head (going outside in the fresh air for some YOU time!)

If you haven't, go get it!

Get fit or get out :)