Thursday, September 25, 2014

"Change comes from self-love, not self-loathing" -Lauren Fleshman

Hey everyone! :) How are you and how are your workouts!?

First I'd like to say a little about the title of this post. If you hate your body and dislike yourself, all your going to think is how you are not good enough...well guess what? You are good enough! You should try to start by recognizing that you are you. You aren't that person you see online or that person you see in your workout videos. You are you and that's amazing! You can help yourself and make yourself feel better...which is exactly what working out does! :) You have the time to do it, you just need to make the time! Don't forget...and I always remind myself of this...a one hour workout is only four percent of your day!

Alrighty, tonight I have a couple tips for you on how to wake up early and workout! (I know what you're thinking...yuck; but hear me out!) I found these tips on pintrest and just couldn't help but share them! :)


*Go To Bed Early
*Prepare The Night Before
*Put Your Alarm Somewhere You Have To Get Up To Turn It Off
*Keep Your Playlist Updated
*Make It A Date (find someone to workout with)
*Keep It Interesting

:) I found that the more I forced myself to wake up in the morning the better my days went! I had more energy for work and for life in general. I also had a positive outlook and more patience.

Today, I'd also like to share a song with you that I love to listen to that makes me feel unstoppable! :)

It's called "Touch the sky" from the movie Brave.

Above is the link to the song if you're interested! :)

Go Press won't regret it!

At first they'll ask you why you're doing it. Later, they'll ask you how you did it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

What's New?

Hey everyone! How are everyone's workouts going? For me today? Taking a break...pulled a muscle in my leg and am having a hard time walking around and don't really want to damage it more. As for you? I'd like you to do an extra little workout if you can MAKE the time! ;)

I like to read over Women's Health Magazine and find out some new information. Today, I found the Women's Health Weekend Challenge. Now, I know it's not the weekend anymore...but who cares right!?

Here is a little plank work I'd like you to try! (Because who doesn't love planks!?) This information is not my own and if you'd like to read more about it, you can go to:

It's always good to try a new move and who doesn't want to make their core stronger!?
If you try it and want to let me know what you think, please leave comments below! :)

I would also like to share a really easy and delicious recipe that you could try for dinner soon! :) I had these a few days ago and they were so good! :)

All you need for this wonderful burger is four items! :)

*Ground Turkey
*Bread Crumbs

Literally all you have to do is mix the ingredients in a bowl and then shape them into burgers and cook! :) (Don't forget your wheat buns! You can't even taste the difference!)

I swear, I could put avacado in everything! I am a avacado addict! :) What do you like!?

As always, if you haven't yet, press play! :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Battle With Yourself

One thing that always goes through my mind when I'm really sore and in the middle of my workout is..."I wanna quit...this freaking sucks!" Every once in a while I find myself feeling very low and not up for the workout...I guess what I try to tell myself is that once I hit that point..I give myself a minute of literal self pity and then I push even harder through. It's hard to do, but it's the only thing I can do to keep myself going.

Tonight was max cardio conditioning and it is a lot of squatting! My thighs are killing and I didn't think I was going to be able to walk afterwards. (Even though I have done this workout numerous it just sucked)

Never give up on yourself. If you really truly want something, you have to work for matter how hard it seems. If you give up, then you really don't truly want it. Every one goes through rough patches, but it's making it through those rough times and being the best you can be that makes you awesome!

Don't forget how you feel after a good feel like you have accomplished something and that you can take on the world. (That's how I feel anyway)

If you haven't pressed play today, GO!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Fit Test! :)

Today I took my fit test for the third time and my scores went up...and I feel awesome!

Here are my results from the second fit test to the third:

Switch Kicks: 90/105
Power Jacks: 55/63
Power Knees: 115/130
Power Jumps: 27/38
Globe Jumps: 9/10
Suicide: 23/27
Push Up Jacks: 15/18
Low Plank Oblique: 64/76

Pretty big jump up on some of those but I still can't wait to see what I get next time! :) Malia did the fit test with me and she did awesome as well! :)

Relaxing now with Brady <3 So happy.

What did YOU do today!?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Never Give Up!

Hey everyone! Tonight I had Max Interval Plyo and it's usual. Lately, Malia has really been getting a awesome workout in with me! One thing I noticed was that if she's ever feeling like she can't do something I always tell her to improvise and get very excited! She gets really into it when I tell her what she's doing right and when I help her get the moves down the right way. Not only do I help her, but she helps me and that alone is wonderful! This girl knows how to rock it!

I'd have to say that out of all the different workouts, plank work is my favorite. It's kind of funny that I like this one so much because when I was in high school I HATED them! I guess hard work pays off!? :) Malias plank has gotten so good! We always talk about how we're getting strong together!

Do you workout with anyone?? I like to work out alone, but when I workout with someone else I find myself pushing even harder! :)

If you haven't yet, go push play!

Good Luck!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Pushing Through

This week is a little off of the schedule for me because I started a day later than I wanted so I just moved everything one day down. Insanity kicked my ass tonight. My muscles are so sore that it hurts to walk up and down stairs. Tonight I didn't feel like pushing play...however, I did! It's kind of weird to say but Malia (my boyfriends 6 year old daughter) really pushed me tonight. I didn't feel like I could make it through certain things and then I looked over and saw her in a plank when I felt like I couldn't hold myself and I pushed harder. She seriously saved me tonight and it was completely awesome.

We both have our workout schedules hanging on the fridge now and every night we complete a workout, we put a sticker on the day. If we don't sticker. I guess it's a small reward. Not to mention that even though I am 22, I love stickers...and of course so does she.

Dinner tonight? Homemade chicken, spinach and alfredo pizza.

One piece of advice I guess I can put out there is to push even harder on the days you feel like you can't even push play. Even though you might be super sore when you're done...the satisfaction of knowing that you did it is completely awesome.

What do you do when you feel like you can't push play? Have you pushed play today?

Cardio is bitter sweet :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Max Cardio Conditioning! *InsanityLove*

Today was a really busy day at work and what not. I was on a roll! I got everything I needed to get done at work plus more and I even talked a lot to my coworkers about them starting workouts and how to stay motivated and such. I love hearing what other people do as far as working out goes.

One thing that kind of threw me off today is people's negative comments as to me posting on Facebook about working out all the time. I like to post about it because it makes me feel good and helps keep me motivated. I don't really agree with negative comments on social media sites which is why I try not to do it. In my opinion, if you don't like what I'm posting...unfollow/unfriend me. :)

After work tonight, I got home and did max cardio conditioning with Malia. She did awesome and stayed motivated the whole time! Sometimes she tends to get a little hard on herself but who doesn't. I think it's awesome to get kids involved and they help keep you inspired as well!

Dinner tonight is going to be wonderful. My amazing boyfriend is awesome at cooking and he loves to eat healthy too! :)

What workout did you do today? Eating healthy helps fuel you! Go get it! You can do it! :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

When Life Knocks You Down, Do A Burpee!

Got in Max Plyo Interval today and oh my goodness...I'm a zombie. I forgot how hard the second half is compared to the first. The extra time added to the workout makes such a difference...15 seconds is added onto each move (if I remember right) and it's a killer. The one thing I really do like about the second half compared to the first is that I can really feel my muscles tightening and holding as I am in my plank or squat etc. It's awesome.

I really like the fact that I have a support group on facebook and that there are so many motivational people on twitter and instagram. I have found that keeping up with other people and letting others know what I am doing helps me stay motivated...if you're having trouble, find a group. Follow people on social media sites. Read about fitness on pintrest and in magazines. The more you do with fitness and the more  you think about it...the more motivated you're going to stay. At least that's what works for me!

For dinner tonight? Grilled cheese, egg and hummis with a side salad. yummmm! :)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

I'm smiling because I love it

So I didn't really have time to post last night and my blogger app is all messed up so here we go! Last night was Plyo Cardio Circuit and I was literally drenched in sweat. Amazing. I love that feeling you get when you earn your shower. Brady bought a pretty interesting veggie pizza last night that was great...def recommend it.

The weather is really hot and muggy today. I'm thinking a run after work is in store! Pure Cardio maybe (Football for the boys so I'm not so sure I'll get the TV haha).

What are your plans for the night? Are you sticking to your workout plan and pushing yourself? Go get it. No regrets here! 💪😎💪

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Stop Wishing, Start Doing

A little delayed I know but my picture from last night is up...I have the best boyfriend who makes some wonderful food 💛👌

The weekend is always a hard time for me to keep up with my workouts because I seem to find excuses as to why I can't do it... So that is my next hill to climb.

Hopefully all of you got your workout in and showed me up! Labor day was a pretty relaxed day...which is never a bad thing. We got the house all clean, I got a nap in (man I wish I could have one every day!)

Breakfast today was awesome: mixed fruit...pineapple, melon, strawberry, and kiwi! Very delicious.

What workout  do you have today? What is going to push you and keep you motivated this tuesday? #ToneTuesday

Updates will be posted later tonight on my workout and goals! :)

Monday, September 1, 2014

What's For Dinner?

After a fun filled weekend of eating some not so healthy foods and lounging around playing the Wii and watching Netflix with my's time to get back into motion with eating right!

What's for dinner tonight? We're going to try a new recipe that neither of us have had yet and here it is :)
Baked chicken with garlic mushroom quinoa. For dessert? Sliced bananas with cinnamon and honey. If you're reading this and thinking..."hmmm garlic mushroom quinoa sounds pretty good, I should try it" here's a link to the recipe! :)

Pictures will be posted later...workout together & eat together...yes! :)