Wednesday, September 24, 2014

What's New?

Hey everyone! How are everyone's workouts going? For me today? Taking a break...pulled a muscle in my leg and am having a hard time walking around and don't really want to damage it more. As for you? I'd like you to do an extra little workout if you can MAKE the time! ;)

I like to read over Women's Health Magazine and find out some new information. Today, I found the Women's Health Weekend Challenge. Now, I know it's not the weekend anymore...but who cares right!?

Here is a little plank work I'd like you to try! (Because who doesn't love planks!?) This information is not my own and if you'd like to read more about it, you can go to:

It's always good to try a new move and who doesn't want to make their core stronger!?
If you try it and want to let me know what you think, please leave comments below! :)

I would also like to share a really easy and delicious recipe that you could try for dinner soon! :) I had these a few days ago and they were so good! :)

All you need for this wonderful burger is four items! :)

*Ground Turkey
*Bread Crumbs

Literally all you have to do is mix the ingredients in a bowl and then shape them into burgers and cook! :) (Don't forget your wheat buns! You can't even taste the difference!)

I swear, I could put avacado in everything! I am a avacado addict! :) What do you like!?

As always, if you haven't yet, press play! :)

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