Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Battle With Yourself

One thing that always goes through my mind when I'm really sore and in the middle of my workout is..."I wanna quit...this freaking sucks!" Every once in a while I find myself feeling very low and not up for the workout...I guess what I try to tell myself is that once I hit that point..I give myself a minute of literal self pity and then I push even harder through. It's hard to do, but it's the only thing I can do to keep myself going.

Tonight was max cardio conditioning and it is a lot of squatting! My thighs are killing and I didn't think I was going to be able to walk afterwards. (Even though I have done this workout numerous times...today it just sucked)

Never give up on yourself. If you really truly want something, you have to work for it..no matter how hard it seems. If you give up, then you really don't truly want it. Every one goes through rough patches, but it's making it through those rough times and being the best you can be that makes you awesome!

Don't forget how you feel after a good workout..you feel like you have accomplished something and that you can take on the world. (That's how I feel anyway)

If you haven't pressed play today, GO!

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